Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Bible Black In Streaming

At the end of the impasse?

Saskia Schultz-Marjanna

Sometimes life seems like a dead end. Nothing works anymore. Perhaps it was a special event of the trigger. After the initial shock, man / woman has tried to bring back all right. At the very least, but to save what can still be saved. Sometimes even that was an excessive demand.
And you wonder: Why me?
Erika Schuchardt The scientist has analyzed more than 1,000 research projects within their crises of the last century. She has realized how a lot of concern can be handled systematically. This system, it has shown in a model: life courses in crisis - a crisis processing model.
Schuchardt After a crisis usually begins with a shock. Which is caused by a trigger that is changing by then completely in running an orderly life. Job loss, loss of own Child or partner are the triggers. First you can barely act. Because what happens is you will not usually admit.
comes only gradually the wish to confront the problem. With the literature prize, and from experts and stakeholders recommended worldwide, Erika Schuchardt there with her book "Why me" people in a crisis, a valuable guide to the hand.
This work and other support - especially for women - offers the new page "Pretty Woman Coach".
This is about self-coaching, and therefore, to discover their own strengths and are useful for to develop. This can be overcome in light of new clarity life better.
information, expert tips and links can be companions for a new self-confidence and a revived confidence in life.
Lilli Cremer-Altgeld


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