A contribution to the 5th International Ganaa workshop for alumni and alumnae
at the Université Cheikh Anta Diop in Dakar (Senegal)
Hayford A. Anyidoho
In a multilingual society must at all times the language of teaching as a complex paradigm be considered. In addition, Ouedraogo1 (2000, p. 89) in his study of language policy in West Africa that issues of education and languages in Africa - because of the multi-ethnic and multilingual situation - are very complex. This situation is even more difficult (Charles Owu-Ewie, 2006, p.76), where the official language is fundamentally different from the indigenous languages.
alone in Ghana other than the official language, English, spoken more than sixty Sprachen2. Therefore, the education system over time, different language policies have been subjected to:
The issue of language of instruction in Ghanaian schools goes back to the time of the missionary schools. Before the formal education introduced was, there was already a kind of traditional education (Spring, 1998). (The medium of instruction was at that time one or the most widely spoken native language of the locality in which the school was as Akan, Ewe or Ga)
During the period of formal education (1529-1925) was followed by a bilingual system of both from a Ghanaian language (Akan, Ewe or Ga) and a foreign language (English, Danish, Portuguese, Dutch) was. This period is also considered the past of colonization.
1 Ouedraogo, RM (2000). Language planning and language policies in some selected West African countries.
Burkina Faso: IICBA.
2The list of the languages of Ghana, Ghana occurring in all leads languages and their alternative names on. The number of languages spoken in Ghana differs from source to source, which is mainly due to difficulties to perform certain languages as a language, they assign specific language groups or together under a family of languages as a dialect. http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Liste_der_Sprachen_Ghanas
to British colonial times, the bilingual system has gained additional ground (Bamgbose, 2000). was
Shortly after the independence of Ghana, but a new system developed during the three and six school years by a Ghanaian language as medium of instruction used. English is introduced later in the secondary school. This rule, however, was met with from some educational planners much criticism.
May 2002 designed the Ghanaian government, therefore, a new law according to which should be used at all levels, English as a language of instruction (Charles Owu-Ewie, 2006, p.76).
This law comes now again with criticism of various non-governmental organizations Landes3.
This paper presents first, the language variety in Ghana and, second, the resulting differences in legislation concerning the use of language in the education system dar.
A continuing concern of the paper is to analyze the failure of the arrangement of the language and its causes. Finally, the need for a Dreisprachenunterricht4 is advocated.
3Adams B. Bodomo proposes in On Language And Development in Africa: The Case of Ghana before, a three-language system. According to this system should have a dominant language and other indigenous languages at different levels of social organization are discussed as is to be adopted at national and international level, a non-indigenous language. http://www.ghanaweb.com/GhanaHomePage/features/artikel.php?ID=19656
4 ”Tamale, Jan. 28, GNA - The Northern Network for Education Development (NNED), a civil society initiative of Northern Ghana, has appealed to the government to rescind its decision to make English language the only medium of instruction at the basic school level."
Ghana News Agency ,Regional News ,Wed, 28 Jan 2004
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