Friday, January 7, 2011

Do Do Ron Ron Free Piano Score

Hello world! ...
Now, after my last post almost 2 months ago, and blogging all so busy, I feel obliged to you again to let you in on my life.
A lot has happened in the meantime, my mice are dead, I'm bein n blue and a job. And I also want to start already: My new job: nothing great, today I was the first time since I get 2 girls go from the nursery and look after them and they come home to the parents (so about 2 hours ). But it makes me happy and it's fun:) And bissl more money I have this also.
Mitm study everything's working, now will be slow stressful, in 4 weeks then exams. For that I gave at the end of February to early April then final semester break:).
Christmas I was at home and had a great 23rd with Ellie and Josie .... and hey, we were really good Rumpelstiltskin)
On 26. I am again moved to Hildesheim, well ... I then thanks, DB, 3 hours late arriving home. On 27 Rich Ting Wangerooge we went, because wars super, except for minor incidents, which I do not want to mention further. 'm Very happy new year started, but unfortunately without the wall where you can write down their wishes (see Chrystle blog). Anyway, it was quite nice. On 2 then back down. In the sand waiting 2 hours. Not because of the weather conditions, it has gehaun a woman in front of the train and the hams rumzuschicken hinbekomme non NEN regular replacement bus service. At one point I was then also. Since Wednesday I've now re-Uni. Since it is very cool prop, and the people who know me really believe Werdenich: I had it to a short oral presentation in English and it gave me mega fun, I could babble on for hours:).
otherwise there not much to report, my birthday, I celebrate and I will not probably is.
For 2011, I have made so many non-me: finally learn guitar, a lot of drawing / painting, regular exercise, and otherwise make the best of it. For my blog I want to do (maybe) so things like Julie & Julia ... SE of because ... in the month I'll do this and that in the month. eg in the month I would like to have breakfast every day at a different location / dinner or in the month, I'd at least 1000000000km run or I read every week this year a book or so ^^... or ... oh n I'll do one probably. simply something else creative gammligen from this blog:) one probably. yes you have any cool suggestions or other feedback, I'd rejoice. Now I'm going to learn to motivate myself first.

dearest greetings
the horn


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