Saturday, May 8, 2010

How To Remove Sony Plod

dignity of women

Honour the women! they spin and weave
heavenly roses into earthly life,
lichens of love uplifting band,
And in the grace chastise veil
Diet alert the eternal fire
Beautiful feelings with holy hand.
eternal truth of the barriers
roams the wild man's power;
vagabond thoughts
Floating On the Sea of passion;
Greedy he reaches into the distance,
Nimmer is his heart breast-fed;
Restless by more remote stars
He chases his dream image.

But magically captivating views
waving the women behind the fugitive,
warningly back in the present track.
are found in breast modest hut
they stayed with more modest fashion,
loyalty daughters of religious nature.

is hostile pursuit of the man,
with crushing force
the wild goes through life,
without rest or stay.
What he created, he destroyed again,
never rests the wishes dispute
Nimmer, as the head of the Hyder
eternally fall and again.

satisfied But with silent glory,
breaking the women of the moment flower
nurturing them carefully loving together industry,
free in their assigned work,
rich man, in the knowledge areas
And in the seal infinite loop.

Strictly proud and self-sufficient.
know the man's cold breast,
Welcome to a heart nestling,
Not the gods of love lust,
Kennet not the exchange of souls,
Not in tears it down melts;
Self of life struggles steels
hardener his hard sense.

But how quiet shattered by the Zephyr,
quick shakes, the Aeolian harp,
So the feeling soul of the woman.
Affectionate frightened by the picture of agony
Wallet the loving bosom, emit it
Pearly eyes of heavenly dew.

Is In the men Herrschgebiete
the strength defiantly right;

In the world of falsified mirror he sees his shadow
are open to him the treasures
The reason, of imagination;
Only the image on its networks,
Only the close, he never knows.

But the images waver the uncertain
There on the flood of moving thoughts
In the man's gloomy view,
clear and true to the gentle woman
itself Displays the soul crystal plate,
she throws back the calm level.

proves with the sword of the Scythe,
And the Persians is a slave.
It is feud in wrath
the desires wild and raw,
and reigns of Eris rough voice
where Charis fled.

But with soft-talking Please
run the women's Scepter of custom
deleting the discord, the entglüht raging,
teaching the forces that hate hostile to
oneself lovely in the to include shape,
unite And what is eternally flieht.3

But for eternity decided
in the woman of passion peace;
The necessity sacred power
Beware of modesty delicious flower,
Guard in the bosom of the woman kind enough
guarded only the will of the faithless.

From the bosom of innocence torn
Klimmt the ideal of man
An eternally warring knowledge

Where to rest his heart,
Varies with uncertain steps,

divided between happiness and justice,
And lose the nice middle
where humanity dwells happily.

But in childlike innocent cover
carries himself, the high, purified will
in glorified form of the woman.
From the enchanted simplicity of the trains
Lights perfection of humanity and the cradle,
dominion of the child, the angel violence.

Frierich Schiller


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