Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Remington Mohawk 600 .222

WAZ up?!

`When Stella was in bed she wondered, but her thoughts were of the creaking of the floor torn. Quietly opened the door. Stella knew her parents were asleep and Ivan. Rosalie stood in the doorway. They had was something in his hand, but what was not seen Stella. " Thus ends the first part of an exciting serial story in the new edition of the 'Waldorf Allgemeine Zeitung'. For the second time is now by the pupils of 5a appeared designed WAZ newspaper. The topics are informative and entertaining. News from ancient Egypt, knowledge questions and answers, sporting events, tips on dog ownership, Sudoku, and much can be discovered in the wide blade. The current edition was sold before the holidays in the playground and can still under 5a to Mrs. Hunter, of the Editorial Board, purchased for 0.50 € . The next edition is already planned and will be offered this school year at the school yard. So who wants to have a spending should hold himself ran for many it is not! ;)