my first class:) Hello people.
Yes, today I first stood before the class and I survived it! But I'll start with slime. It was clear that I, along with a Komilitonin, Kira, is to hold a lesson. In the fifth class in which we sit elsewhere every Friday morning. Last week Thursday we met up with the teacher and the scheduled hour. Actually, the class has just practiced group work and the shall have before us had even led group work. All the great and surprising for us was that we teach
1) instead of the usual German, but society and have
2) made no group work, but taught correctly and here we have even introduced a whole new topic.
About a week I had me a bit yesterday and prepared it properly. I should be with them in the book to read something and then give the worksheet, and edit the first task. Where they were to paint something. Last night I did not know if I should be happy or heuln or rather just freak ... sometimes I even for the first time in my career plans doubted. This morning I got up even half an hour earlier so that I can not even sleep through and arrive late (which was totally absurd). Once in school I had to wait another 20 minutes, since the true teaching until 8.10 anfÃĪngt.Ich clock was so excited to have everything prepared, although there was nothing to prepare, and then Kira came at last. Our mentor (the teacher) has presented us then at hourly beginning and we have Michelle, a student singing a birthday song. THe is quite shy and I think it was embarrassing.
then began. Kira has made the introduction to the Atlas. Then I came. Brief rush of nervousness, with the first word directly evaporated, which was kind of awesome. The teacher and other students were gone and I've just said and all the children have listened good. Then came the task.
It had all with their crayons. I was excited, even Bekim, who usually never what Mithat and not cooperate. All have been through so great and have made hard questions. Mandy has been reported only to talk to us and then came things like: ". They look like my cousin" ... because we know nciht really should answer what, if one is full of stress, because all the children sign up at the same time. Gordon has rumgeworfen with Radiergummischnipseln but since then has fortunately the teacher intervened. Otherwise everything was really really nice and the kids seem very happy to have made. I've gone completely hyperactive in the classroom, it was just great and I will again!
For me that was a really perfect day! :) Greetings from Hildesheim